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I love interior design as it has the power to impact how we feel. It can evoke new emotions and summon old memories. From the soft texture of a velvet sofa, to an intimate candle lit dinner, to a visually bold flower power wallpaper, these things have the capacity to make us feel comfortable or out of place, invigorated or relaxed, interested or bored. Is that not amazing!?


My mission is to make my residential clients feel their best in the place they call home, and my commercial clients proud of the space that showcases their business.


I accomplish this by getting to know my clients on a more intimate level throughout the design process. What are your core values, likes & dislikes, occupations, daily routines etc. Not only will you be left with a functional space that serves your day to day needs, but it will be a beautiful reflection of who you are or the business you have worked so hard to build.


With my love of all things timeless, blended with the unique personality of each project, a successful result can be guaranteed and cherished for a lifetime.

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Commercial Interior Design
British Columbia Institute of Technology



Interior Design

British Columbia Institute of Technology

When I was 18, I travelled abroad in Europe for one year. Surprisingly, it wasn't the amazing architecture or the exposure to different cultures that  got me interested in interior design as one might assume. While those things were very inspiring, it was actually something happening in my absence back home that was the real catalyst.


During my travels my parents embarked on a full-on renovation of my childhood home, a place very near and dear to my heart. Upon my return, as soon as I stepped in the entryway I was in awe of the transformation. The space was enriched with warmth through color, patterns and materials that were absent before. At the end of the “tour” my mother looked at me and said, “this is the first time in the 20+ years of living in this house that I feel like I’m home.”


This declaration saddened me; not only had 20+ years gone by where mom didn't feel comfortable in our home - she really had no idea that she even was uncomfortable all those years. It wasn't until she had help from an interior designer who guided her to select certain materials, patterns and colors, which suited her personality so well, that her house finally became her home.


My mother's statement proves the powerful effect that our interior environments have on us. It should make us think about what we choose to surround ourselves with. Is it serving us in any way? Does it give us joy? Do we feel safe? Do we truly feel at home in our homes?


I want to be the kind of designer that makes a house a home.




Quality Focused


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